Modified some things in CONTRIBUTING and in the Makefile. Started coding some things for the FAT12 filesystem.
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What we want
XanvicOS is this little project that I write because I want to explore OS developing, and maybe make some friends. So, I want that everyone in this project we'll respect each other, because without respect nothing can be done. This project isn't nothing serius, just a hobby project.
Here is what you can't do
Violate the license
XanvicOS has a license, the GPLv3 license. If has been chosen by the author, it has been chosen for a reason. If you violate it you don't respect the idea of the creator about his code. So, to respect of the author, don't violate it.
Violate the Code of Conduct
Pretty much for the same reason as the license: it exist, it has been chosen, please respect the author and what he wants.
Hurt and/or harass someone
As I already wrote in "What we want", we need to respect each other, so let's do it, no?
Do something stupid
"Doing something stupid" means a lot, from not knowing what you are doing, to commiting crimes.
Troll (too much)
You can make some trolls, but you can't do something like creating 100 pull request about deleting all the code.
Here is what you need to do
Respect each other
As I already said, this project is built off the idea of respecting each other while contributing. Without respect nothing can be done.
Think before doing
Self-explenatory, before doing something, think about what can be done better. If you can't think of anything better, do it