XanvicOS is a project made to explore the OS developing world and, maybe, make some friends. XanvicOS is a hobby project where we respect each other. # Here is what you can't do ## Violate the license XanvicOS has a license, the GPLv3 license. If has been chosen by the author of something, it has been chosen for a reason. If you violate it you don't respect the idea of the creator about his code. So, in respec of the author, don't violate it. ## Violate the Code of Conduct Pretty much for the same reason as the license: it exist, it has been chosen, please respect the author and what he wants. ## Hurt and/or harass someone If you don't understand why, we DON'T need more people like you. As the second line says, we need to respect each other, so let's do it, no? ## Do something stupid "Doing something stupid" means a lot, by don't knowing what you are doing, to commit crimes. But it doesn't mean you can't make some errors here and there, we are humans after all. # Here is what you need to do ## Respect each other As I already said, this project is built off the idea of respecting each other while contributing. Without respect nothing can be done. ## Don't troll (too much) You can make some trolls, but you can't make like 100 pull request about deleting all the code and call it "modernize the code" ## Think before doing Self-explenatory, before doing something, think about what can be done better. If you can't think of anything better, then do it